Say Goodbye to Your Old Hot Tub with Kelowna's Best Hot Tub Removal Experts

Our skilled team specializes in hassle-free hot tub removal services. Whether it's an old spa, jacuzzi, or hot tub, we'll safely and efficiently remove it from your property.
Engineer with white hat

Safe and Secure Hot Tub Removal

At Kelowna Junk Removal Ltd., safety is our top priority during every hot tub removal project. We understand that hot tubs can be heavy and challenging to handle. Our experienced team follows strict safety protocols to ensure a secure removal process.

We start by assessing the hot tub’s condition and surroundings to plan the safest approach. Our professionals use specialized equipment and techniques to disassemble, lift, and transport the hot tub without causing any damage to your property. Rest assured, our commitment to safety extends to our team’s well-being and your property’s protection. When you choose us for hot tub removal, you’re choosing a secure and worry-free experience.

Ready to quickly and safely remove your hot tub? Trust our experts for a secure and hassle-free removal. Contact us today to schedule your hot tub removal!”

Hot Tub Removal with a Green Heart: Minimizing Waste, Maximizing Sustainability

At Kelowna Junk Removal Ltd., eco-friendliness is at the core of our hot tub removal practices. We’re committed to minimizing the environmental impact of our services in the following ways:


Whenever possible, we dismantle and recycle hot tub components, including metal, plastics, and electronics, reducing landfill waste.


Usable parts of the hot tub, such as pumps and heaters, are often donated to local charities, giving them a second life.

Proper Disposal

For components that can’t be recycled or donated, we ensure responsible disposal methods, following all local regulations.

By choosing our hot tub removal service, you’re not only reclaiming your space but also contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable environment

Understanding the Cost of Hot Tub Removal

Curious about how much it costs to remove that old hot tub? At Kelowna Junk Removal Ltd., we believe in transparency when it comes to pricing. The cost of hot tub removal can vary based on factors such as the hot tub’s size, location, and any additional services you may require. To get an accurate estimate, simply reach out to us for a free quote. We’ll assess your specific needs and provide a competitive and straightforward price.

Our goal is to ensure you have a clear understanding of the cost, so you can make an informed decision. Ready to learn more? Call us today for your personalized hot tub removal quote.


 Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a specific hot tub size you can remove?


No, we can remove hot tubs of all sizes, from compact models to large, luxurious ones. Our experienced team is equipped for any challenge.


Do I need to prepare the hot tub before your team arrives?


You don’t need to prepare the hot tub. Our team will handle everything, from disassembly to clean-up, ensuring a hassle-free experience.


How long does the hot tub removal process typically take?


The duration can vary depending on the hot tub’s size and location. In most cases, we aim to complete removal within a few hours.


Is your hot tub removal service insured?


Yes, we are a licensed and insured junk removal company, ensuring both our team and your property are protected during the removal process.


What areas do you serve for hot tub removal in Kelowna?


We provide hot tub removal services in Kelowna and surrounding areas like West Kelowna, Lake Country, Vernon and Penticton. Contact us to confirm if we serve your location.


Can I book hot tub removal services for a specific date and time?


Yes, we offer flexible scheduling. You can request a date and time that works best for you, and we’ll do our best to accommodate it.


Contact Us Today To Get All The Junk Removed!

Ready to bid farewell to that old, unused hot tub taking up precious space in your backyard? Our expert team at Kelowna Junk Removal Ltd. is here to make it happen. With our safe and efficient hot tub removal services, reclaiming your space has never been easier. Simply reach out to us, and we’ll take care of the rest. Don’t wait any longer – contact us now to schedule your hot tub removal and enjoy your revitalized space!”

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